
15th August signifies a very important day in the India’s development trajectory. Observed as the Independence Day for India, this day our nation broke the shackles of past and emerged as the largest democracy in the world.

Saffron Tech with its rich legacy of commensurating all the festivals of national importance observed Independence day with joy and vigor. But this time it was different, different because our team decided not to observe independence day in its popular cultural interpretation of celebrating it as a gazetted holiday.

Celebrating the passion of Indian Independence Day

In a sincere effort to inculcate the values of our freedom struggle, our work became the expression of the freedom we experience as Saffron Tech employees. We worked because our team shares the idea of integrity with which our freedom fighter fought the extraordinary battle for freedom.

The decision to work on a day before fifteen August was to challenge the shallow conception of patriotism. For Saffron Tech, patriotism underlies in contributing to the larger goal of capacity building. The improbable journey of this nation has endowed us with massive opportunities. On 69th Independence day, we tried to transcend the notion of freedom as a holiday to one where, we pledge to capitalise each opportunity to contribute to the larger project of nation building.


To remind us of our improbable journey every year on 15th August remembering following words would be the greatest source of inspiration. “Long years ago, we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to Life and Freedom.