Firms’ difficulty in finding skilled and qualified IT candidates is more apparent than ever. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the scarcity of engineers in the United States will reach 1.2 million by 2026. More than 75% of the enterprises are grappling with the talent shortages in key IT positions.
It demonstrates that the current issues of hiring an IT workforce capable of managing a project and fueling the existing team’s efficiency will only worsen over time. The recruitment market has changed radically from one place where IT companies were inundated with skilled and qualified candidates to one IT company battling against competitors to fill an IT position.
Current circumstances, such as multiple locations, offshore offices, cross-company data requirements, and highly specialized skill requirements, add to the already strained IT recruitment market.
On the other hand, every challenge serves as a springboard for forming a solution, and the IT business is no exception. IT staff augmentation is the one IT outsourcing model that can protect you from all of the challenges posed by the current IT recruitment landscape.
To harness the power of IT staff augmentation, you must first choose the right IT staffing company, as not all companies can handle specific IT staffing services. So, here is a comprehensive guide to finding the best staff augmentation team for your company.
What Is The IT Staff Augmentation Model?
It is an IT outsourcing service where an IT company recruits one or a few IT candidates on a contract basis and integrates them into the existing team to complete a specific project or task. This IT outsourcing strategy has grown in popularity over the last few years.
The newly hired IT staff will be able to work both remotely and at the company’s office. Such an IT outsourcing model assists IT organizations in overcoming current IT recruitment challenges and promptly filling skill gaps in the short and long term.
When a project requires a specialized skill set that is not accessible within the firm, most IT companies direct their HR team to IT staff augmentation. IT staff augmentation reduces the time and effort required to bridge the skills gap, and unlike Managed IT services, the IT firm keeps project control.
How Do You Pick The Best IT Staff Augmentation Company?
Before moving forward, you should ask yourself and the IT staffing company a few questions before deciding on the right company.
Which Type Of Market Does The IT Staffing Company Serve?
The first thing to consider is where you will require assistance. Whether you are working in a localized part of the United States or a global market, you must ensure that the IT staffing company has both appropriate networks and expertise in the specific market. If you are working globally, you should constantly look for IT hiring firms with a global reach.
Coordinating with an IT staffing company to coordinate workers across different areas would add to the existing complexity, and the whole reason for working with one will become nonsensical to you. Working with a partner that has all the resources required in your working market streamlines the process.
Try to figure out what kind of structure they have to deal with logistical and linguistic issues, hire staff from different countries, identify needs, and whether they have a bespoke system or a one-size-fits-all approach.
What Specific Requirements Do You Have?
The primary objective of adopting IT staff augmentation is to have access to the IT talent that your organization lacks. The vendor handles the search, recruitment, training, and communication, but the hired workforce interacts directly with your team to ensure better results and consistent progress.
So, to get off on the right foot, always outline your precise goals when looking for an IT staff augmentation partner—do you need help with a single project, or do you need to cope with the current IT recruitment difficulties or solutions in the market?
You should also figure out what kind of skill, project, and expertise you require. IT staff augmentation may help with disaster recovery, data backup, and hardware testing. You can always discover an IT staff augmentation partner with accurate project scope who can work to your precise requirements.
What Is The Company’s Level Of Expertise In This Field?
Ensuring that the IT staffing company has the experience and knowledge required for your specific project is necessary. If you are not sure about their experience, you always have the liberty of asking for their portfolio, as it will give you an idea of what the company is capable of.
If you are searching for a skill set that doesn’t fit one of the hiring firm’s generic categories, don’t be afraid to ask them about it. It will help you determine whether or not they are capable of delivering what you require. Hiring the wrong technical staffing partner may result in money, time, and resources.
You can even go through the company’s reviews or find out who their previous clients were and then ask them for their unbiased feedback. It will give you a picture of who you are dealing with.
Do They Provide Personalized Service?
Many IT staff augmentation companies may employ a specific strategy for each customer. They follow the same template, employ a one-size-fits-all approach, and provide mirrored services to all the clients. However, every company has its unique skill requirements, necessitating a different approach.
Always search for a solution provider who is innovative, willing to take a bespoke approach, and keen to give what you require rather than throwing spiels at you. Most of the time, a one-size-fits-all solution will not deliver the results, savings, or flexibility you desire.
An ideal IT staff augmentation service provider will collaborate with you, focus on your current priorities, and provide ongoing assistance as your needs change and your company expands.
What Are The Contact Protocols For The Staffing Company?
Which contact style does the staffing firm employ, and which type of approach they use to organize their account communications?
It would not be best to overlook this crucial factor because it can determine a project’s performance, on-time delivery, and even attentiveness. If you ignore it, you may not be able to achieve the quality of expected output.
Always look for staffing organizations with easy-to-use but specified connectivity procedures and technologies, as this aids in the formation of a solid bond between your company and the service provider.
The staffing provider’s practical and transparent collaborative mindset fosters a continuous process that can be easily tracked and updated.
Is The Staffing Agency Prepared To Be Completely Transparent?
There needs to be a strong relationship between the staffing company and the IT company for a successful IT staff augmentation. Transparency is the founding pillar used to build the bond of trust between the two companies.
Working with a staffing firm that cannot practice clear communication and maintain complete transparency is pointless. An ideal staffing company is always prepared to give clients well-defined documentation outlining the roles and duties.
Transparency should also extend to price, as hidden costs later discovered in the service undermine the staffing and IT companies’ bond.
Furthermore, the staffing company must respond to all your queries so that all your uncertainties are dispelled, even if you have a rudimentary knowledge of the hiring process.
What Is The Level Of Commitment When It Comes To Security?
When it comes to data security and IP addresses, you should only engage with IT staffing companies dedicated to establishing a confidential and secure work environment. A reputable staffing agency always ensures that all of their employees, whether remote or onsite, sign Non-disclosure Agreements (NDAs). Additionally, the staffing firm will check the applicant’s employment history before hiring.
An IT staff augmentation service provider should train their workers on intellectual property and data security processes and have a comprehensive background check system.
When you verify your IT staffing company’s commitment, you can work with the newly assigned IT workforce without worrying about any security breach.
It all comes down to how thoroughly you probe through the available possibilities on the internet, as the market is flooded with IT staffing services. Still, not all of them can satisfy your level of expectation.
You must also assess your specific demands before beginning your search for the best IT staffing firm. You will never be able to determine which type of company you require for IT staff augmentation services until you are clear about what you require assistance with. So, to make an informed decision, utilize this blog post as a reference and analyze the potential IT staff augmentation businesses.
Are You Having Trouble Deciding Which Staffing Firm Is Best For Your Company?
If you are not sure which option is ideal for your company, contact our specialists for a full consultation. We will assist you in determining which option is ideal for you and will supply you with a highly qualified and professional team. Visit / to get in touch with us right away.